Next Steps
I had to dedicate a lot of time to understand how sports betting lovers behave and who they are, and yet, there is a lot more to learn to produce something really impactful in the daily lives of these users.
Some experiments had to be left aside due to lack of resources or simply because they were beyond the power of execution on a prototype, such as the presentation of teams based on users' geolocation, but, when it comes to improving this experience even further, these would be some of the next steps:
• Add tooltips to the platform to facilitate the entry of new users into the world of sports betting;
• Non-intrusive onboarding of new users and features;
• Video session for users who need more didactic content that textual guides cannot provide;
• Create team analysis content and rank them based on their results;
• Use an algorithm to display on the homepage the teams that the user usually bets on;
• Present teams based on the user's geolocation;
• Have a section where the bet button leads directly to the bookmaker, and not to the betslip.